The program

4 Videos + Toolboxes

For everyone: whether you are an athlete, a stay-at-home mom, an entrepreneur or want to improve your health, this program is for you

Practicing cardiac coherence is the key to long-term health, as it significantly reduces anxiety, stress and inflammation, all of which are causes of illness or performance that do not reflect your talent. WelloW offers the health expertise you need to achieve your health and wellness goals. No effort is required, just press play.

Once you purchase, you'll have access to the course via email through a video course platform called Learndash. Check out our course FAQs for more questions.

Return to calm

Cardiac coherence is a breathing practice that favors the establishment of a state of health, without any contraindication. This practice allows you to find a state of calm and neutrality. Using the breathing guides during transitions in class will help you establish a calm routine. The effect of group practice maximizes its benefits.

This week, let yourself and your students (or children) be lulled into a world where all dreams are allowed.

Welcome in the WelloW universe xXx

Cardiac coherence

Cardiac coherence is a breathing practice with a measured rhythm that allows you to efficiently and quickly reach a state of balance. It is one of the most effective lifestyle habits for managing stress and the #1 health technique proven by over 27,000 studies.

If you want to do a RESET, the practice of cardiac coherence is for you.

Why doing it?

Here are two exclusives with very different styles.

The best time to incorporate it into your routine:

  1. Before the first coffee
  2. Before lunch
  3. Before or after dinner (a minimum of 4 hours before bedtime)

Because being in a WelloW mode is all about moving, laughing and breathing!

Go WelloW!

Krystel and the WelloW xXx team


Wellow lifestyle

The Wellow's method was developed in the midst of a pandemic.

While we could no longer cope with the uncertainties and all our past reference points were questioned, we still had to maintain a routine. The months that passed after March 13, 2020 allowed us to meet a wide range of people who were virtually living different realities.

From there, the Wellow's method was born: a universal, flexible method that allows balance and spontaneity. Due to the success of the last few months, we decided to create this program for you. We will see how simple changes in routine, active mindfulness and breathing exercises can really make a difference and bring you real rest in your day to day life while maintaining structure.

The goal? 

To encourage you to become aware of the controllable parameters of daily life and to equip you to take and maintain control, without putting aside spontaneity and pleasure. 

Who is this course for? 

This method was designed to gently guide you towards a balance, your balance. There is no question of proposing a traumatic routine, impossible to maintain in everyday life.

Universal, this method adapts to everyone, it is made for the real world in real life!

Expected results

Be in your zone of genius, keep calm when possible, prevent premature aging and understand the reasons that exhaust us to control everything possible and avoid missing our "why", our reason to get up.  

With this program REPROGRAMMING WITH THE WELLOW'S METHOD, you will feel the effects from the first few days, but it will be the most difficult days. A little patience. The margin of progress is therefore important. Thanks to the proposed exercises, you will build a stable routine, and if difficulties persist, you will know how to address them and will be able to regain control.

In the long run, you will notice a real change, thanks to an understanding of the elements that affect you VS those that affect you less. 

This is the purpose of all our programs: to teach you to know yourself better, so that you can be autonomous in your fitness and well-being. This one, however, is the foundation of all the other programs and is, in fact, their frame of reference.

A little word on...

🧡Cardiac Coherence

Our approach is based on science and before thinking about improving your health, it is paramount to restore and take control over the state of chaos, which by the way, is normal... chaos is life. Loss of control is disease.

So gently, we invite you to join us in our universe 💙 to laugh, move, breathe for a long, long time

Cardiac coherence is the easiest way to start and get results within 10-15 days... measurable results! Yes, we prioritize empirical approaches, those that convince skeptics and Cartesians, because @krystel_parenteau , the founder is herself rather Cartesian in nature, but very curious!

Welcome !

Mental health issues are real. They are a biochemical disorder, invisible, a barrier that rises in the soul. However, certain things must be addressed quickly to prevent the announcement of this diagnosis from becoming a fatality in itself.

You are part of the 51% of the population who choose to seek help, the first concrete action for your return to health that will lead to an improved version of yourself.

Before you start

This is THE first thing you need to do to lay a foundation, get your bearings and really know what to put your energy into. You will then have the opportunity to advance your goals to fully develop in the rest of the program.

Don't hesitate to come back to it if you have any doubts or if you have had any real unforeseen events that have taken you away from your usual routine.

Overall description

Anxiety has become the lumbar sprain of rehabilitation, and while it is encouraged to talk about it and it is becoming more socially accepted to experience anxiety, it can sometimes be easy to avoid certain situations and deprive yourself of pleasure by blaming the presence of anxiety.  Rather than identifying every unpleasant situation as anxiety-provoking, this program aims to help you increase your self-control so that the presence of anxiety is received as rich data that will allow you to act in the direction of your values and thus enjoy life more easily.

100% of people will experience anxiety at some point in their year. Of that 100%, 1.5 to 2 times as many women will experience moderate anxiety compared to a man and it will be primarily young adults (25 to 44 years old).  Are you part of these statistics? Although some people develop anxiety disorders (15%), most of us experience anxiety episodes instead. This observation made us want to create this program for you. We will see how simple changes in routine, active mindfulness and breathing exercises can really make a difference and bring you real control in your daily life and better understanding.

The goal? To encourage you to become aware of the controllable parameters of anxiety and to equip you to maintain control.

How much time should I invest in this program?

This program was designed for four (4) days because we want you to see immediate results. However, it is a program to be repeated for life and you will also have access to it for life. It is your life insurance for healthy aging.

Who is this course for?

To all those who feel they are living on a tight rope from morning to night, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

To all the people who feel they are under too much stress and do not exercise, drink too much caffeine, do not prioritize sleep and eat processed foods to save time.

To all the people who have a sense of urgency at all times.

To all the people who wish the day could last 48 hours.

For all people who avoid anxiety-provoking situations.

This method was designed to gently guide you towards a balance, your balance. There is no question of proposing a traumatic routine that is impossible to maintain in everyday life.

Universal, this method adapts to everyone, it is made for the real world in real life!

Expected results

Being in your zone of genius, keeping calm, preventing premature aging and understanding the reasons for non-optimal anxiety management to control everything possible and avoid missing out on your life. In short, to be at your best emotionally, intellectually and physically, it is imperative to understand anxiety and use it as a guide.

With this program ADIEU ANXIÉTÉ, ALLÔ SELF-CONTROL, you will feel the effects from the first days. However, with a little patience, you will have more difficult moments. The margin of progress is therefore important. Thanks to the proposed exercises, in four days, you will build a stable routine and if there are still difficulties, you can repeat the days that brought you the most benefits. Do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor or health professional.

In the long run, you will see a real change, thanks to an understanding of the elements that affect you VS those that affect you less.

This is the purpose of all our programs: to teach you to know yourself better so that you can be autonomous in your form and your well-being.

Expected results

●     be a role model for your children and set an example

●     understand why you are experiencing anxiety

●     focus your energy on the things you can control

●     find meaning in your life by naming your emotions appropriately

●     communicate more quickly, often and with respect for yourself and others

●     rediscover your creative and innovative instincts

●     explore the world around you by being curious, actively listening to each other and accepting that not everything is perfect, all the time



Who is this program for?

This program is for people living with the aftermath of Covid-19 who want to return to normal daily life, but have difficulty doing so independently.

What is long COVID?

It is the persistence of symptoms, or even the appearance of symptoms, four to eight weeks after the initial infection. The incidence and course depend on the time since infection, the systems and tissues affected, vaccination status, virus variant, and geographic region.

It is estimated that more than half of those infected with COVID-19 experienced symptoms associated with long Covid. The most common discomforts are functional mobility disorders, pulmonary abnormalities, and psychological health disorders.

Most common symptoms:

Self-management of symptoms

Post-exertional malaise (PEM): Symptoms can appear up to 3 days after an activity performed beyond one's capabilities. This phenomenon is not well known in practice and makes self-management extremely difficult.

What do we have control over? Our routine.

And what do we miss? The method to progress slowly and find a quality of life.

The most "up-to-date" scientific literature indicates that the clinical management of long-term Covid requires a comprehensive perspective, including management tools such as virtual rehabilitation platforms.

These findings suggest that long Covid is a multisystem disease, with high short- and long-term prevalence. Moving forward, a holistic framework for addressing the direct and indirect effects of sequelae should be considered.

For this reason, the Wellow team has developed a simple, online program that offers concrete and immediately applicable tools.

Return to work

Returning to work will not be directly addressed in this first part, but the shared tools can very well be used if you are making a return to work.

Expected results

Be in your zone of genius, keep a flexible mindset, improve your quality of life and build, in the long term, a life insurance.

With this program Put chaos to the long Covid, you will feel the effects from the first days, but these will be the most difficult days. The margin of progress is therefore important and a monthly calendar is offered to you rather than a daily one in order to help you take a step back and see the big picture. Thanks to the proposed exercises, you will build a stable routine, and if there are still difficulties, you will know what is affecting you. Don't hesitate to use these tools with your health professionals.

In the long run, you will notice a real change, thanks to an understanding of the elements that affect you VS those that affect you less.

That's what all our programs are about: getting to know you better so that you can be autonomous in your fitness and well-being.



Sleep disorders represent 80% of the reasons for occupational therapy consultations.

This observation made us want to create this program for you. We will see how simple changes to your routine, active mindfulness and breathing exercises can really make a difference and bring you real rest in your daily life.

The goal?

To encourage you to become aware of the controllable parameters of sleep and equip you to take and maintain control.

Who is this course for?

This method was designed to gently guide you towards a balance, your balance. There is no question of proposing a traumatic routine, impossible to maintain in everyday life.

Universal, this method adapts to everyone, it is made for the real world in real life!

Expected results

Be in your zone of genius, keep calm when possible, prevent premature aging and, understand the reasons for poor recovery to control everything possible and avoid being in a wakeful state all year round.  According to one sleep expert, "Rather than bragging about not needing much sleep, it would be much better to adopt a healthy sleep hygiene. In short, to be at your best intellectually and physically, you need a good night's sleep."

With this sleep program, you will feel effects from the first few days, but these will be the most difficult days. A little patience. The margin of progress is therefore important. Thanks to the proposed exercises, you will build a stable routine, and if there are still difficulties, you will know that what is within the limits of control, well, you ensure. If necessary, I invite you to discuss this with your doctor or health professional.

In the long run, you will notice a real change, thanks to an understanding of the elements that affect you VS those that affect you less (for or against caffeine after 3pm, screen or no screen in the evening, etc.)!

This is the purpose of all our programs: to teach you to know yourself better, so that you can be autonomous in your form and your well-being.

Contact us if you have any questions?

Be in the know